Difficult as the sun is behind the object you are taking.
So photo will be dark.
It is often easier to shoot photos with
Use flash when object is less than 3 meters away.
Could use UV Filter Polarizer. Could use sun glasses. See what happens there.
When shooting against sun use fast shutter speed, and small aperture, so less light arrives but depth of field will be larger.
isle of man luxury apartment
Lens flare is when non image forming light is in the image. Shoot away from source of light, or have a hood on camera.
Irrelevant point.
Remember the rule of thirds is important where lines intersect.
In the context of lighting design, backlighting refers to the process of illuminating the subject from the back. In other words, the lighting instrument and the viewer are facing towards each other, with the subject in between. This causes the edges of the subject to glow, while the other areas remain darker. The back light is usually placed directly behind the subject in a 4-point lighting setup.
Contre-jour, French for 'against daylight', refers to photographs taken when the camera is pointing directly toward the source of light. An alternative term is back lighting.
So basically when you the photographer is looking at the sun.
AKA against daylight aka Backlighting
In photography, bracketing is the general technique of taking several shots of the same subject using different or the same camera settings. Bracketing is useful and often recommended in situations that make it difficult to obtain a satisfactory image with a single shot, especially when a small variation in exposure parameters has a comparatively large effect on the resulting image. Autobracketing is automatic bracketing by using a setting on the camera to take several bracketed shots (in contrast to the photographer altering the settings by hand between each shot).
So good idea perhaps to photo Northwards in morning in morning in the North.
Friday, 15 January 2010
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